Pivot Into A More Meaningful & Impactful Role And Secure A  

  5-Figure Salary Increase


Transform Your Career with the 

Ultimate Career Change Program for Ambitious Women 

Are you feeling unfulfilled, stuck in a rut, or unsure about your next career move? You’re not alone. 

Many professional women face these challenges: 
Lack of Fulfilment: You’re craving a role that resonates with your values and passions, yet feel trapped in a job that no longer inspires you. 

Uncertainty About the Next Step: The idea of pivoting to a new industry or role seems daunting. How do you leverage your skills in a different context without making a costly mistake? 

Confidence Issues: Even with a potential new direction in mind, self-doubt and fear of risk can be paralyzing without a clear strategy and support. 

Fear of the Unknown: Stepping out of your comfort zone is intimidating. You worry about potential setbacks and whether the change will truly benefit you.

 72% of women delay making a career change due to fear of the unknown, financial instability, or concerns about starting over in a new field.  

But, it doesn't have to be this way!

Introducing The Career Change Maker Program 

Our 90-day career coaching program for mid-level female professionals with 7+ years industry experience who want to leverage your existing experience to pivot into a role with more meaning, impact & salary.

In this program, you’ll learn to: 

  • Identify Your Next Career Move: Discover the role that aligns with your true aspirations. 
  • Reposition Your Experience: Tailor your background to fit your new target role. 
  • Attract High-Paying Opportunities: Find and secure roles that offer a significant salary increase.

Hear From Career Change Maker Alumni

Clients from many industries have 
transformed their careers

Got Promoted, Changed Industry and Secured a 5-Figure Salary Increase Plus Equity in the Company. 

"Going through the program made me realise my skill set and gave me the confidence to feel valuable and to realise how much I had to offer."

Head of Sales  

Changed Roles & Industry and Secured a £20,000 Salary Increase.  

"The program helped me learn so much about myself. It helped me to gain clarity on what was really important, reflect on the type of organisation that is the best fit for you and most of all to gain confidence to make a change."

Communications Specialist 

Landed a new ideal role within 8 weeks of joining the Program. 

"It’s been such an insightful program… actually having to look within myself was so impactful. It has also been great to work with other people who also are feeling the same in different careers, different walks of life."

Risk Analyst

"Eveniet quam natus et commodi minus consequuntur enim iure magnam nam fugit voluptas."

CEO / Founder

Changed Sector, Got Promoted and Secured a 5-Figure Salary Increase

"This program helped me to see beyond the job title and really assess my definition of purpose to find an aligned opportunity."

Real Estate Lawyer 

Changed Industry and negotiated a £10,000 increase on her initial offer

"It's a step by step program which I followed meticulously and which helped me land a new role - all in the middle of pandemic."

Real Estate Lawyer 

Landed ideal role 4 months after voluntary redundancy and secured a $20,000 AUS salary increase

"The program has given me new positioning on how I see myself, what I do and what I could do. I would almost say its life changing, and I've yet to fully implement."

Project & Strategy PMO 

"Eveniet quam natus et commodi minus consequuntur enim iure magnam nam fugit voluptas."

CEO / Founder

Frequently Asked  Questions

Got more questions? Book a call with Janine and let's explore whether the program is a good fit

  • Is this for me?
    This program is specifically designed for busy women with a professional services background who want more from their careers.

    If you are an action taker who is struggling to find time, space or motivation to focus on where you want your career to go next, this program is for you.

    We have worked with a wide range of clients including lawyers, accountants, project managers, educators, therapists, nurses and more. Our proven framework can be used regardless of your industry.
  • I have no idea what I want to do next, should I still join?
    You are ready for this program if you have made a commitment to making a change in your career in the next 3-6 months.

    We have clients who start the program with no idea what they want and others who know what they want but aren't clear on how to get there. Our proven process provides an end to end solution taking clients from considering options to accepting offers, so will support you in making your next best move regardless of where you are in journey.
  • How long is the program?
    You will have access to 90 days of live coaching and community support, and have access to the curriculum for 6 months in total. After 6 months your access will end. We will send you reminders when your access is ending as well as an invitation to re join.
  • When does the program begin?
    The program begins on 9 September 2024.
  • Is there a guarantee?
    We trust that you will love this program. However, if you do not feel the program is meeting your expectations, we provide a 14-day money back guarantee.

    Providing you can demonstrate that you have attended all coaching calls and completed phase 1 lessons within the curriculum, we will provide a refund of the program fee payment(s) you have made up to that point.

Meet the Creator of The Career Change Maker Program 

Janine Esbrand is an award-winning executive career coach, international speaker and former lawyer. 

She believes that getting more people into the right roles and career will change the world for the better. After going through multiple career transitions in her 10+ year legal career, and then taking the leap into full time entrepreneurship, Janine understands what it means to step away from the conventional career path and instead embrace opportunities that are most aligned with your strengths and values. 


Janine has helped lawyers, accountants, sales executives, project managers, business analysts and many other career professionals to transition into more fulfilling and impactful roles using her proprietary D.A.T.A methodology. 

She has the unique ability to inspire you to action, challenge you to dream bigger and keep you accountable to your desires, always with a smile on her face and passion in her voice. 

 Through her TEDx talk and Podcast called "Career Change Maker Podcast", Janine has helped thousands of women around the world take control of and change their career for the better. 

 Janine's accreditations include a Diploma in Life Coaching from The Blackford Institute, Life & Leadership Training from IPEC and an Advanced Certificate In Executive Coaching from Bristol Business School. She is also certified DISC practitioner.

Janine has been recognised as a thought leader by media outlets such as Yahoo Finance, Business Insider, Thrive Global, Yahoo Finance and Huffpost.

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Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    One-time payment £2500.00
  • Preferred option
    Subscription (£550/mnth)5x £550.00


Please review our
Terms & Conditions of Service prior to completing your purchase. Proceeding to complete your order shall be deemed as acknowledgement of and agreement to the Terms & Conditions. 

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Career Change Maker Program

In Rerum Aperiam Quibusdam£0

  What is included: 
    37 lessons with bite sized on-demand                 training videos 
    Lesson worksheets 

    12 x Live Weekly Group Coaching Calls 

    3 x 1:1 Coaching Calls

    CV / Resume Critiques 

    LinkedIn Optimisation Reviews

    DISC Psychometric Assessment 

    DISC Profile Debrief 

    Networking Scripts 

     Job Application Templates 

    Online community of female                                  professionals


   90 minute 1:1 Powerful Positioning Call               (Value £500)

   Mindset Mastery Masterclass w/Mindset             Expert  (Value £250)

   Cultivate Confidence Through Style                      Masterclass  w/Personal Stylist                               (Value £250)

  • Total payment
  • 1xCareer Change Maker Program [Sept2024]£0

All prices in GBP